
Relaunch|Update 2016

Hey Loves!

15th of March 2016, 23:06 just now I've decided to come back and continue what I started 4 years ago. I guess this post will hopefully now be the first of many to come for the duration of this year and month (fingers crossed!). I guess I might as well just fill you all in. As you all may know this is a personal fashion and lifestyle blog. I would like to branch out to other aspects with this blog.

As some of you may also know, I am a 2nd year Politics student and can't stop the fact that current affairs and political issues will inspire me and motivate me to blog about such. Keeping in mind this is all my opinion and what I think on each particular issue and topic is purely my own unless stated.

During the few months that I've been absent I've learnt a whole lot about myself. I've lost a few friends gained a bunch more and just progressed as a human being in general. I had moments like these:

 But I've also had great nap moments too:

I've started to become more self indulgent and experiment:

I figured out that I am wonderfully and fearfully made and that no matter what situation I see myself in I can overcome it because of Him. I've become immensly independent and started taking responsibility for my actions. In a few months time I will complete 2 full decades on this earth and I hope it'll be a year in which I can put in place my goals and aspirations and finally come to a conclusion on what I want to do with my life.

2015 was one of the hardest years I have ever had to face. There was more bad moments than good but they all shaped me into the person I am now and the woman I am yet to fully be.

I hope I haven't bored you but come back soon and see what I've got instore, because honestly I don't even know what it's going to be.

If you're going through tough times in your life right now and have been for a while just know that your life has meaning and your existence is for a purpose. Whether you know what it may be or not don't take life and people for granted, live in the moment and enjoy it but be aware that there hopefully is a tomorrow and a future and make smart decisions for it. You are great and no matter what happens and what you do God loves you. He always has and He always will..

''Siempre Bella'' - Solamente.Belíssima.

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